Wednesday, July 21, 2010

First Exclusive Pics of Baby Falcon's Room!

We finally got working on the nursery about two weeks ago. It was quite a challenge, because we had been using this room as the guest room and the other bedroom as our office/junk room. So turning this into a nursery involved combining a guest room with an office and junk room and trying to make it all fit! This was especially hard not because we have a lot of guests or office supplies, but LOTS AND LOTS of junk. Really, two packrats do not fare well together…

Once we got everything moved out, we picked out a paint color that we liked. I think it is called Sunset Peach or something, and I know it sounds strange at first, but we love it and it adds an extra color to our theme (monkeys) which is mostly brown and green. Once Josh was done painting, he got the idea that he wanted to try to install crown molding. I was hesitant, but I agreed. With the advice of Dad and our friend Paul, Josh was able to figure out the supplies he needed and even (eventually) figured out how to make those pieces fit! I fell asleep on Saturday afternoon to the sound of drills and saws, and awoke to a beautiful room. I am so glad that Josh had the patience to figure out how to do it because it sure was worth it. I think the room looks great, and the crown molding just adds a subtle touch. So here are some pictures!!!

Lets get this show on the road!! Here is Josh starting the nursery:

Installing the crown molding:

Power Tools, Yeah!

Ahh!!!! Disaster Zone! This was the aftermath, it was actually much worse while the work was in process.

And now it is done.

Look at that beautiful woodwork! He’s pretty good at this!

Here are some other pictures of us in the past couple of weeks.

The cute kids:

Us at 29 weeks:


Us at 30 weeks:

That is all for now. I will write more next week!!! xoxoxo

Thursday, July 8, 2010


I finally got to experience the part of pregnancy I’ve been so looking forward to - Cravings!!! On Monday, I had the most insatiable craving for sweets, and it was amazing, aside from the extreme guilt I felt about giving the baby that much sugar. But since it was the first time and I have been really good about eating healthy lately, I gave in. I had my usual bowl of cereal in the morning, and then throughout the rest of the day I had some m&m’s, lemon meringue pie, 2 popsicles, a mango, an oreo ice cream cookie, another bowl of cereal (fruity pebbles), and then the neighbor brought up some cake (actually HALF of a cake!) so I had that even though I was nearly asleep when Josh brought it to me in bed. I couldn’t resist. I probably could have eaten the whole cake, but I wasn’t even hungry and I couldn’t fit any more in my belly…still, my taste for sweets was there. Aside from ice cream and cereal, I normally don’t have much of a taste for sweets, especially cakes or other pastries, but I surely couldn’t get enough of them that day.

I am back to my usual snacks which consist of apples, peaches, and pineapple. Ahh well, even though I felt guilty about eating all that unhealthy, sugary food, it was worth it to experience a pregnancy craving, although I had hoped it would be something really bizarre like pickles wrapped in bacon and dipped in cream cheese, but alas, I am satisfied with the sweet tooth.

By the way, I spent 45 minutes writing a blog post last night with pictures and all that other stuff, and then it disappeared when I tried to actually post it. I was too tired at that point to try it again, so maybe sometime in the next week or so I will try again.


Friday, July 2, 2010

Great 28 week checkup

I had my routine 28 week checkup yesterday and it was great! My weight gain was much better last month (thanks to replacing ice cream with popsicles!) and she said my blood pressure is absolutely perfect. I had my glucose tolerance test 2 weeks ago to test for gestational diabetes, and she said I passed that with flying colors. Baby Falcon’s heartbeat was heard loud and clear, too, so I am happy to report that at almost 7 months pregnant, me and the baby are doing wonderful! I am so happy that I am having such an easy and enjoyable pregnancy. My next appointment is in another 4 weeks. I hate waiting that long! After that, the appointments will be every two weeks and then down to once a week when we get to September.

Here is what the little one is doing this week:

By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She’s also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

She is also learning to tap dance. On my bladder. How fun!

Have a great 4th of July weekend!