Thursday, July 8, 2010


I finally got to experience the part of pregnancy I’ve been so looking forward to - Cravings!!! On Monday, I had the most insatiable craving for sweets, and it was amazing, aside from the extreme guilt I felt about giving the baby that much sugar. But since it was the first time and I have been really good about eating healthy lately, I gave in. I had my usual bowl of cereal in the morning, and then throughout the rest of the day I had some m&m’s, lemon meringue pie, 2 popsicles, a mango, an oreo ice cream cookie, another bowl of cereal (fruity pebbles), and then the neighbor brought up some cake (actually HALF of a cake!) so I had that even though I was nearly asleep when Josh brought it to me in bed. I couldn’t resist. I probably could have eaten the whole cake, but I wasn’t even hungry and I couldn’t fit any more in my belly…still, my taste for sweets was there. Aside from ice cream and cereal, I normally don’t have much of a taste for sweets, especially cakes or other pastries, but I surely couldn’t get enough of them that day.

I am back to my usual snacks which consist of apples, peaches, and pineapple. Ahh well, even though I felt guilty about eating all that unhealthy, sugary food, it was worth it to experience a pregnancy craving, although I had hoped it would be something really bizarre like pickles wrapped in bacon and dipped in cream cheese, but alas, I am satisfied with the sweet tooth.

By the way, I spent 45 minutes writing a blog post last night with pictures and all that other stuff, and then it disappeared when I tried to actually post it. I was too tired at that point to try it again, so maybe sometime in the next week or so I will try again.


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